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Journal Articles
- The Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS) – High Latitude Component J-M. Petit, J.J. Kavelaars, B.J. Gladman, R.L. Jones, J.Wm. Parker, C. Van Laerhoven, R. Pike, P. Nicholson, A. Bieryla, M.L.N. Ashby, S.M. Lawler, (arxiv 1608.02873, submitted to AJ)
- The 5:1 Neptune Resonance as Probed by CFEPS: Dynamics and Population Pike, R., Kavelaars, J., Petit J-M., Gladman B.J., Alexandersen M., Volk K., and Shankman C.J. (2015) Astronomical Journal, 149, 202
- A POSSIBLE DIVOT IN THE SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF THE KUIPER BELT’S SCATTERING OBJECTS Shankman, C., Gladman, B., Kaib, N., Kavelaars, J. and Petit, J-M. (2013) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 764, L2
- ON A POSSIBLE SIZE/COLOR RELATIONSHIP IN THE KUIPER BELT Pike, R. and Kavelaars, J., (2013) Astronomical Journal, 146, 75
- The resonant transneptunian populations Gladman et al., 2012, Astronomical J., 144, 23
- CHARACTERIZATION OF SEVEN ULTRA-WIDE TRANS-NEPTUNIAN BINARIES Alex H. Parker, JJ. Kavelaars, Jean-Marc Petit, Lynne Jones, Brett Gladman, Joel Parker, 2011, ApJ, 743, 1-20.
- On the Detection of Two New Trans-Neptunian Binaries from the CFEPS Kuiper Belt Survey, Lin et al, 2010, 122, 1030
- Systematic Biases in the Observed Distribution of Kuiper Belt Object Orbits Jones, R. et al, 2010, AJ, 139, 2249.
- Discovery of the First Retrograde Transneptunian Object Gladman et al., 2009, AJ, 697, L91
- The Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey—L3 Data Release: The Orbital Structure of the Kuiper Belt, Kavelaars et al., 2009, AJ, 137, 4917
- The Extreme Kuiper Belt Binary 2001 QW322 Petit et al., 2008, Science, 322, 432
- The orbital and spatial distribution of the Kuiper Belt Kavelaars, Jones, Gladman, Parker and Petit, 2008, in ‘The Solar System Beyond Neptune’
- Size Distribution of Multi-Kilometer Transneptunian Objects Petit, Kavelaars, Gladman and Loredo, 2008, in ‘The Solar System Beyond Neptune’
- Nomenclature in the Outer Solar System. Gladman, Marsden and Venlaerhoven, 2008, in ‘The Solar System Beyond Neptune’
- The CFEPS Kuiper Belt Survey: Strategy & presurvey results Jones et al., 2006, Icarus, 185, 508
- Production of the Extended Scattered Disk by Rogue Planets Gladman and Chan, 2006, ApJ 643, L135
- Discovery of a low-eccentricity, high-inclination Kuiper Belt Object at 58AU. Allen et al., 2006, ApJ 640, L83
- A highly-automated moving object detection package Petit, Holman, Scholl, Kavelaars and Gladman, (2004) MNRAS, 347, 471
- Discovering and securing TNOs: the CFHTLS Ecliptic survey Petit, J-M. and Gladman, B. (2003) C.R. Physique, 4, 743-753
Conference Proceedings
- The Extended Scattered Disk. Gladman et al. (Aspen Planet Workshop, 2005)
- Le Grande Relevé CFHT: Premier résultas Petit et al. (PNP 2006)
- De-Biasing the Kuiper Belt’s orbital database using CFEPS Gladman et al. (DPS 2006)
- CFEPS: The details Kavelaars et al. (DPS 2006)
- The Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey: First (L3) data release Petit et al. (DPS 2006)
- CFEPS: Ecliptic Plane Survey Kavelaars et al. (CASCA 2006)
- CFEPS Status 2006 Kavelaars et al. (CFHTLS SG 2006)
- The CFHT Survey: First results Petit et al. (TNOs 2006)
- The orbital structure of the Outer Kuiper Belt Petit et al. (DPS 2007)
- The Classical Kuiper Belt as seen from the Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey Kavelaars et al. (DPS 2007)
- The Orbital Structure of the Plutinos Gladman et al. (DPS 2007)
- The Extreme KBO Binary 2001 QW322 Petit et al. (ACM 2008)
- The Canada-France Ecliptic Plan Survey: L3 Data Release and the Orbital Structure of the Kuiper Belt Kavelaars (ACM 2008)
- The First Retrograde Transneptunian Object Gladman et al. (DPS 2008)
- The CFEPS High Ecliptic Latitude Extension Kavelaars et al. (DPS 2008)
- The Extreme KBO Binary 2001 QW322 Petit et al. (DPS 2008)
- Detection Biases for Resonant Kuiper Belt Objects Lawler et al. (DPS 2010)
- The scattered disk and hot belt, two sides of the same coin? Kavelaars et al. (EPSC-DPS 2011)
- Reality and origin of the Kernel of the classical Kuiper Belt Petit et al. (EPSC-DPS 2011)
- Mutual Inclinations of Ultra-Wide Trans-Neptunian Binaries (EPSC-DPS 2011)
- An Oort cloud origin for exceptional TNOs? Shankman et al. (EPSC-DPS 2011)